5 Reasons to get fit with a friend

Whether you're usually a lone runner, gym-goer, a fitness class enthusiast, or still a workout wannabe, here are 5 reasons you should recruit your bestie to join in the fitness fun with you:

1. A no-show is a no go!

If you struggle with making the leap from intention to action, then a workout buddy is exactly what you need. Once that date is made, you're not only letting yourself down if you don't go, you're letting your friend down too. And we all know that standing our best mate up is THE WORST thing you can do to them.

Equally, if you've got a friend who's struggling to motivate themselves, make a date to meet them... if they even attempt to let you down you can throw them your best disappointed look! Big, sad eyes at the ready!

2. It's the perfect opportunity for a catch-up

With our lives as busy as they are, killing two birds with one stone just makes sense. Plus, this way you don't have to worry about the extra calories from your usual coffee shop latte or attempting to avoid that mouthwatering muffin that stares you out every time you're in there!

3. You'll work harder

Working out with a others increases the intensity of your workout. The perfect combination of encouragement and competition means you're less likely to slack-off and more likely to push yourself.

You know those moments when you want to quit? Having a friend there to encourage you to do that little extra or go a little faster will fast-track your journey towards your goals!

This effect is further heightened when we work out with someone who is 'fitter' than us, otherwise known as the Köhler effect[1]; individuals who perceive themselves as weaker than the others, experience fast performance gains as they work harder to keep up with the others. This is also a great reason to attend group exercise where the added competition can help push you past your limits!

training with a friend

4. You're more likely to achieve your goals

Research by Stanford University[2] found that social support helps people to reach their goals quicker by encouraging consistency and adherence.

Even without a friend to come with you, it's possible to achieve the same effect by telling others what you are doing. Make your fitness goals public and talk to others about how well you're doing.

5. You're more likely to try something new

Fitness is often about confidence and walking into a class you've never done before, going for a run for the first time, or walking into the weights section of the gym can be daunting.

But not with a friend!

Not only will starting something together make it easier to get started in the first place, it'll also make it more fun so you'll be more likely to keep it going and create great habits for the future.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your phone and set a fitness date with your BFF now!

Spark Fitness is on a mission to help every woman feel strong, confident, fit and, most importantly, to truly love herself inside and out!

Join me on my Facebook page and be a part of the body and mind revolution!

  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Kohler-effect ↩︎

  2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704314904575250352409843386 ↩︎